Hypnopsychotherapy is the oldest method of psychotherapy, the relevance and effectiveness of which is significant and irreplaceable even today. The founders of hypnopsychotherapy (who begin to name and describe this method) and perfectors are F. Mesmer, Paracelz, Z. Freud, A. Vaizenhofer, E. Hilgard, I. Pavlov, V. Bekhterjev, KG Jung, M. Erikson, V. Kandiba , Ž. Dr. Jānis Zālītis made an important contribution to the development of hypnopsychotherapy in Latvia.
In hypnopsychotherapy, with an intervention performed in a hypnotic trance, activating subconscious processes, changes in consciousness are initiated using a person's self-resources. Hypnopsychotherapy uses such psychological phenomena as dissociation, associations, sublimation, analysis of images and symbols, metaphors, suggestion, as well as regression.
In the unconscious part of the psyche is recorded the entire development of a person from the moment of his conception, the history of problems, their causes, development and the current result, which is manifested as a specific problem. The unconscious processes (themselves) know an adequate solution for the transformation and prevention of the problem, the hypnopsychotherapist only has to help the client release these self-solving processes.
In contrast to many other forms of psychotherapy, hypnopsychotherapy is considered a short-term form of psychotherapy, in which desired changes should be visible after only a few sessions. The hypnopsychotherapeutic process can take place on an unconscious individual intrapersonal level, as well as on an analytical level. Hypnotherapy is used individually, in groups or in pairs.
(After a literature review, prepared by: A. Dombrovskis, E. Skrodelis, I. Savicka, A. Tula - Rijkure, D. Rolava. Quoted from www.LHPB.lv)
Hypnopsychotherapy is conventionally divided into: Classic hypnopsychotherapy and Erikson's hypnopsychotherapy.