Participation in conferences:
The 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul,
The 7th Annual International Conference on Psychology, Athens, Greece,.
EAPA, The 12th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain.
17th International Transpersonal Conference: Consciousness Revolution: Transpersonal Discoveries That are Changing the World.
1 International conference in hypnopsychotherapy «Aspects of hypnopsychotherapy in Europe»
15. of continuing professional development at the 3rd Annual Hypno-psychotherapy conference.
Zweiten Internationalen Eurasischen Kongress fuer Systemaufstellungen in Russland "Zeit der Wandlungen"
«Professionalism psychotherapist. Identity. Development Crisis, conference ОЛП
"Competitive teacher - the impossible", МОН and EU fund
2. объединённый конгресс Латвийских психоловов, ДУ
«Поощрение конферативности педаговов в условия оптимицации системы образования», ЛМН и ФЕС conference
«Конкурентнособосное образование: Понимание, Творчество, Соучастие», МОН
"Almost ideal school", AIP
6th conference of the Association of Latvian Clinical Psychologists.
15. of continuing professional development at the 3rd Annual Hypno-psychotherapy conference.